Hi. I’m Roy. I’m glad you found your way here.

I am a Registered Counselling Therapist Candidate (RCT-C) with the Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists and received my Masters of Education in Counselling Psychology from Acadia University.

I am a Certified Spiritual Care Practitioner (CSCP) with The Canadian Association for Spiritual Care and received my Masters of Divinity from Queen’s University.

I am a therapist, author and speaker who makes his home in Halifax, Nova Scotia. For 35 years, I’ve had the privilege of helping people encountering grief, trauma, and mental wellness challenges.

I have a private therapy practice specializing in grief, trauma, spiritual and emotional growth, and relationship issues. Whether you are experiencing depression, anxiety, loss of meaning, or a powerful life transition or unwanted change, I can help.

If you’re an organization seeking to consult with me on a work challenge, or inquire about a speaking or training opportunity, I look forward to connecting and finding out how I can be of service. I specialize in helping trauma and death-saturated front-line organizations develop strategies and training modalities to increase emotional resilience, interpersonal compassion and long-term sustainability.

I am a proud co-developer and co-director of Camp Kedooopse, a grief camp for kids at Brigadoon Village in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. I am playwright and a writer, a regular blogger and vlogger.


“In one sense grief is our lost language. It is a tongue we know in our bones, but not in our mouths. We fear speaking the language of grief for all that it might dare say about our mortality.

if we speak the language of loss, we deeply fear that the dream will come apart for good.”

— Roy Ellis
